Nantahala Real Estate

Just Listed! Little Choga Road Topton, NC 28781

August 23rd, 2019 12:35 AM by Kristine Flaig

Listings Photo
Little Choga Road

Topton, NC 28781

Beds: 0 Rooms: 0
Full Baths: 0 Sq. Ft.: 0
Garage: 0 Built: 0

Lake Front Acreage! Dockable 4.97 acres on the lake Nantahala! Several House sites! Borders USFS. Property has 911 address house not livable- . If you are looking for privacy, this is it! Hike or swim, you choose. Do you want to have your own dock with almost 5 acres? here it is.. Don't miss the opportunity! Nantahala lake is clean.. you can have a garden, RV, storage, small farm? Location, Location- just down from the Glen Choga Lodge. UNRESTRICTED!!!!! End of Little Choga next to Nantahala Harbor- Great Spot for Privacy and be able to have a private dock(s)
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Kristine Flaig
Nantahala Real Estate Company, INC

  Visit this listing here
Posted by Kristine Flaig on August 23rd, 2019 12:35 AM


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